Friday, December 21, 2007


holding hands while walking...

brushing my hair off my eyes...

tickling each other...

sending sweet messages...

laying on his lap...

running in the fields together...

giving flowers for no reasons..

sharing a drink...

taking a stroll together...

staring at each other's eyes...

gazing the stars together...

exchanging love letters...

introducing me to his friends...

saying i love you's...

having the same mugs...

engraving our names in a tree...

burying a treasure together...

saving my messages...

hugging me when I'm cold...

creating our own fairy tale...

having a candle-lit dinner...

making dinner together...

watching him sleep...

wearing his shirt...

carrying my bag...

surprising me occasionally...

letting me lean on his shoulder...

sharing dreams with each other...

listening to my rants and frustrations...

doing sweet things for my forgiveness...

buying me an ice cream when I'm sad...

lending me his shoulder to cry on...

slow dancing in the rain...

walking me home...

smiling at me for no apparent reason...

embracing me when I'm scared...

watching sunrise in the beach...

singing a song for me...

holding my hands...

sharing his thoughts...

hearing his voice before I sleep...

eating the food i prepared even it's not good...

taking care of him when he's sick...

watching fireworks...

sharing a secret...

dedicating a song for me...

giving me a candy to make me smile...

remember me at least once an hour...

i'm the first one in his contact list...

sharing an umbrella...

wipe my tears...

carrying me on his back...

watching sunset in a ferris wheel...

peeling me an orange...

writing me a poem...


how i wish...

I love c0okiez! and dreams...

1 comment:

Anly said...

it makes me tearshhhh!! T_____T

all are possible but having a single person do it....possible pa b? *sigh*